Hey all you Newgrounds members! As you can see I'm fairly new at this place. I have some experience with Flash and can make some pretty good animations. Stick animations, that is. Of course I don't really know why you would give a shit, so I guess there's no point of reading this.
Anyway, I'm administrating an animation forum called AnimationUnderground. We have a small amount of members and would be glad if you take a look at it. And sign up. And be an active member. And contribute to the site. Whatever. Fuck.
Click Fag.
Also, go to my Minicity and help raise the population! All you have to do is visit that page once and you're already helping! Go go go!
So there. Go away. If you want to see some of my old animations, check out my YouTube page!
Jombo %u2665
Welcome to newgrounds; if you need help with anything contact me.
I also went to the your minicity.